What I learned from playing small, and the costs I paid…
Hey guys ! I missed you all.
It’s been a long time since we’ve last spoke, so we have a lot of catching up to do. This blog post is to encourage us all to NEVER play small. I have this saying whenever I give business advice to a young entrepreneur, “I made enough mistakes for all of us, no need for you to make them too.”
So, let’s catch up, grab your glass of Lovelee Wine and let’s chat. This will be a long one. We have A LOT of ground to cover. Towards the end of May, right before prom season came through like a hurricane, I dropped my KE Luxglosses. Although I was dropping them as a pre-order, I had inventory. At the same time, I began to receive a heap amount of orders for the KE cosmetic bags, which was shocking to me because I have had these bags for sale for over a year and outside of them being purchased with the makeup brushes, they were not a top selling item by itself.
Right before my last makeup class, I was on the phone talking to my best friend, Emma* as I was placing my product orders. She advised me to order more products than usual. I told her I did not want the inventory sitting in my house so, I would keep the product business running the same (pre-order first, order what has been already purchased plus a few extra, HEAVY on the few). She did not agree her response to me was, “keep playing, I don’t know why you’re playing with it. You need more inventory because you keep selling out of things.” She was right, but I was scared. Although I have been an entrepreneur for over a decade, with time I have gotten comfortable in my lane and position. Makeup was never the career choice I chose; to be honest it chose me. So, every opportunity I have ever gotten to hone my craft and serve my purpose has always been enough for me. I wouldn’t say I stopped dreaming but I was comfortable.
Fast forward to end of June early July, prom season and wedding season had come to a close and I went to my site to finish processing orders and upload new portfolio work and I did not have access to my website. The panic was on ten, especially because at this same time, I discovered my manufacturer whom I have known for over 6 years ghosted me out of nowhere. Literally placed my order with him in May, my order was “shipped” and stuck in customs in China and to this day I have yet to hear from him again. That’s a story for another day. When I tell you all I kept thinking about was that last order conversation with Emma, “stop playing with it”. As life began to life, I was accustomed to putting out little fires but this one was a BIG fire, an inferno if you will. I felt helpless and literally had no clue what to do because I had never been in such a position before. The last drop was the first time that I ever oversold my pre-order inventory and had I listened to my best friend and order more then, I would not have been in this situation. One thing I do know is that ALL things work together for good for those that love the Lord.
So, where are we now? I found a new manufacturer, have ordered full inventory for majority of all of my products (& they are on the water and out of customs), I now have access to my website (clearly because I am talking to ya’ll), and we have a makeup class planned. Also, we have a restructured business, new systems and procedures and a very very very good assistant.
But most importantly, as I say to my baby girl, I have my listening ears on for all the good God has for me. What felt like the end of King Elizabeth Makeup Artistry was actually a new beginning. It felt like it was all falling a part when really God was showing me how to piece it back together. So, with that being said, because of this influx of inventory, the site is 50 percent off of everything while supplies last until Wednesday. Most Services (excludes travel services) and Products + Class tickets are included. No code needed.
With the utmost love and appreciation,
Jessica Elizabeth